
Dear Visitor, Wherever you are in the world, Welcome to Around The World forum.

Many people may be surprised that Muslims love Mary (peace be upon her), the mother of Jesus (peace be upon him). In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary(peace be upon her).

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner, and none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully. ' (Sunan At-TirmidhĂ®)

We would like to tell you NOW, a few things about the purpose of our forum: Around The World is twofold. First, it is to promote understanding between people from around the world. Secondly, it is to educate people on Islam, it's beliefs and practices.

We aspire to promote a good online communication experience for our members. I hope that you find your stay here beneficial, as well as enjoyable, and inshaAllah we benefit from each

Thank you very much for visiting us and please let us make you aware of it : It is our aim That Every One of Our Visitors contributes feedback - good, bad or indifferent ...

Thank you for being a member of Around The World!

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Dear Visitor, Wherever you are in the world, Welcome to Around The World forum.

Many people may be surprised that Muslims love Mary (peace be upon her), the mother of Jesus (peace be upon him). In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary(peace be upon her).

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner, and none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully. ' (Sunan At-TirmidhĂ®)

We would like to tell you NOW, a few things about the purpose of our forum: Around The World is twofold. First, it is to promote understanding between people from around the world. Secondly, it is to educate people on Islam, it's beliefs and practices.

We aspire to promote a good online communication experience for our members. I hope that you find your stay here beneficial, as well as enjoyable, and inshaAllah we benefit from each

Thank you very much for visiting us and please let us make you aware of it : It is our aim That Every One of Our Visitors contributes feedback - good, bad or indifferent ...

Thank you for being a member of Around The World!

Guests can post on GUESTS RUN FORUM!

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Post by Mohamed Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:03 pm

Dear Shopkeeper,

Greeting of peace,

Please spare a few minutes to read this important letter, thank you.
As a customer of yours I wish to draw your attention to something which is very dear to my heart and I am sure to many of your other customers and hopefully to yours as well, namely the plight of the Palestinian people.

For 60 years now they have lived under brutal Israeli occupation, their land stolen from them, their homes demolished and their children murdered in front of their eyes. The United Nations has condemned Israel on many, many occasions, and the International Court of Justice has ruled the Israeli settlements are illegal - built on stolen Palestinian land, and those that lived through the horror of apartheid in South Africa have described Israel as practising a much worse form of apartheid than thing they suffered under. And yet despite all this, the oppression continues, nothing changes.

It is now left for us ordinary people to put pressure on Israel by boycotting its goods, by boycotting the fruits and vegetables it grows on land stolen from the Palestinians. It is in this endeavour that I humbly urge you, as your customer, please do not help oppress the Palestinians by selling Israeli goods, in particular please do not sell Israeli dates this Ramadan. Every year just before Ramadan, Israel especially targets small retailers who serve the Muslim community in to stocking its dates. The included leaflet lists which brands of dates are Israeli and should be avoided, it also includes details of the suffering Palestinians undergo in the production of these dates. This Ramadan please think of the Palestinians.

Thank you


Number of posts : 1670
Registration date : 2007-11-16
Location : Algeria


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